Recent changes have been made lovelies, so if you can hang on tight- I will be making some updates that will have it so visiting my blog will be more enjoyable and easy to use!
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A fashion designer turned spiritual practitioner who went through a life-changing event that evoked a spiritual awakening six years prior. With this innate ability Cyn now enters this world with fresh eyes and has answered the calling of becoming a living spirit guide to those who cross her path.
Veruca Cyn is a spiritually gifted Mystic who teaches self empowerment, self awareness and expanding one's perspectives and opportunities in various areas of life. Through the use of divination tools and creative mediums such as Tarot, Oracle cards, art tools, meditation, music, video games and a sewing machine- Veruca Cyn works with her Spirit Guides and Ancestors to make personal, insightful and accurate predictions; all the while bringing wondrous, magical, and empowering artistic creations to fruition.